android 获取apk_如何查找您的Android设备信息以获取正确的APK下载
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android 获取apk

android 获取apk

If you’ve ever tried to download an app for on your Android phone, then you know how confusing it can be. Often there are several versions of the same app designed for various device specs—so how do you know which one is the right one?

如果您曾经尝试下载要在Android手机上进行的应用程序,那么您就会知道该应用程序有多混乱。 通常,同一个应用程序有多种版本,可针对各种设备规格进行设计-那么您如何知道哪一种是正确的呢?

了解不同的文件版本 (Understanding the Different File Versions)

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re trying to download an app from , which is a legitimate hosting site for APKs that are available for free in the Play Store. This is an excellent option if the app you want is geo-restricted, not available for your device, or has an update that hasn’t yet made it to your account. Though you may also need this information when downloading things from or other sources.

如果您正在阅读本文,则很有可能尝试从下载应用程序, 是适用于的合法托管网站,可在Play商店免费使用。 如果您想要的应用程序受地域限制,无法在您的设备上使用或尚未更新到您的帐户中,则这是一个绝佳的选择。 从或其他来源下载内容时,虽然您可能也需要此信息。

If that’s where you find yourself, then trying to figure out the proper download for your phone can be a hassle. You won’t have to worry about this if the app you’re looking at only has one version, but some of apps have multiple versions available—for example, . This is when you’ll need to know what version is best for your phone.

如果您在那里找到了自己,那么尝试找出适合您手机的下载可能会很麻烦。 如果您正在查看的应用程序只有一个版本,而某些应用程序具有多个版本,则您不必担心这一点,例如, 这是您需要知道哪种版本最适合您的手机的时候。

Generally, the details are broken down into three primary categories:


  • Architecture: This is referring to the type of processor in your phone. Usually, the options will be arm, arm64, x86, and x86_64. ARM and x86 are for 32-bit processors, while arm64 and x86_64 are for 64-bit processors. We’ll explain in more detail below.

    体系结构:这是指手机中的处理器类型。 通常,这些选项为arm,arm64,x86和x86_64。 ARM和x86用于32位处理器,而arm64和x86_64用于64位处理器。 我们将在下面更详细地说明。

  • Android Version: This is the version of the Android OS your device is running.

    Android版本:这是您的设备正在运行的Android OS的版本。

  • Screen DPI: DPI stands for “Dots Per Inch”—basically this is the pixel density of your phone’s screen. For example, a six-inch full HD screen (1920×1080) has a DPI of ~367. Bump that resolution up to 2880×1440, and the DPI raises to ~537.

    屏幕DPI: DPI代表“每英寸点数”,基本上是电话屏幕的像素密度。 例如,六英寸的全高清屏幕(1920×1080)的DPI为367。 将该分辨率提高到2880×1440,DPI则提高到537。

Technically, the correct terminology when referring to pixel density should be PPI, or Pixels Per Inch. But since APK Mirror (and others) refers to this as DPI, we’ll stick with the relative terminology.

从技术上讲,当涉及像素密度时,正确的术语为PPI或每英寸像素数。 但是,由于APK Mirror(及其他)将其称为DPI,因此我们会坚持使用相对术语。

ARM vs. x86


While Android version and DPI are pretty straightforward, processor architecture is another story altogether. I’ll do my best to break it down as simply as possible here.

虽然Android版本和DPI非常简单,但处理器架构完全是另一回事。 我会尽力在这里尽可能简单地分解它。

  • ARM: This is a mobile processor architecture first and foremost, and what the majority of phones run now. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon, Samsung’s Exynos, and MediaTek’s mobile chips are all examples of ARM processors. Most modern chips are 64-bit, or ARM64.

    ARM:这首先是一种移动处理器体系结构,现在大多数手机都在运行。 高通公司的Snapdragon,三星公司的Exynos和联发科的移动芯片都是ARM处理器的例子。 大多数现代芯片是64位或ARM64

  • x86: This is the architecture specification for Intel chips. As dominant as Intel is in the computer market, these chips are far less common in Android handsets. x86_64 refers to 64-bit Intel chips.

    x86:这是英特尔芯片的体系结构规范。 与英特尔在计算机市场上的主导地位一样,这些芯片在Android手机中的普及程度要低得多。 x86_64是指64位Intel芯片。

This information is especially important because x86 and ARM files are not cross compatible—you must use the version designed for your phone’s specific architecture.


Similarly, if your phone is running a 32-bit processor, the 64-bit APK won’t work. 64-bit processors, however, are backwards compatible, so the 32-bit APK will work fine on a 64-bit processor.

同样,如果您的手机运行的是32位处理器,则64位APK将无法运行。 但是,64位处理器向后兼容,因此32位APK在64位处理器上可以正常工作。

如何查找设备的正确信息 (How to Find Your Device’s Correct Information)

I know, I know, it’s confusing. The good news is that there’s an easy way to find out all of your device’s information with an app called . This is a free app in the Play Store, and will tell you essentially everything you need to know about your phone.

我知道,我知道,这令人困惑。 好消息是,有一个简单的方法可以通过名为的应用程序查找设备的所有 。 这是Play商店中的免费应用程序,基本上可以告诉您有关手机的所有信息。

Go ahead and give it and install and fire it up. We’ll show you where to find exactly what you’re looking for.

继续并给出并安装并启动它。 我们将向您展示在哪里可以找到您想要的东西。

The first tab you’re going to want to look at is the “Device” tab, which is what the app opens on by default. There are two key pieces of info here: DPI and Android OS version.

您要查看的第一个标签是“设备”标签,这是应用程序默认打开的位置。 这里有两个关键信息:DPI和Android OS版本。

To find the DPI, look at the Software Density entry under the Display section.


For the Android version, look at the OS version under the Device section. This explicitly displays the version number.

对于Android版本,请在“设备”部分下查看操作系统版本。 这将显式显示版本号。

For architecture info, slide over to the System tab and check out the CPU Architecture and Instruction Sets entries under the Processor tab. This one isn’t quite as striaghtforward as the others since it doesn’t explicitly say “arm64” or similar, so you’ll have to read between the lines a bit.

有关架构信息,请滑至“系统”选项卡,然后在“处理器”选项卡下签出“ CPU架构和指令集”条目。 由于它没有明确说出“ arm64”或类似名称,因此它并没有其他的那么清晰,因此您必须在各行之间稍作阅读。

First off, if you see “64” in the architecture name, you can pretty much guarantee it’s a 64-bit device. Easy enough. To figure out if it’s ARM or x86, you’ll look at the Instruction Set section—again, you’re just looking for the basic info here, like the letters “arm.”

首先,如果您在体系结构名称中看到“ 64”,则几乎可以保证它是64位设备。 很简单。 为了弄清楚它是ARM还是x86,您将查看“指令集”部分-同样,您只是在这里查找基本信息,例如字母“ arm”。

On my Pixel 2 XL (the above screenshots), for example, it’s pretty clear that it’s an ARM64 device. The Nexus 5, however, isn’t quite as clear—we can see that it’s ARM, but it doesn’t explicitly show it as a 32-bit processor. In this case, we can safely assume it’s a 32-bit chip because it doesn’t specify the 64-bit architecture.

例如,在我的Pixel 2 XL(上面的屏幕截图)上,很明显它是ARM64设备。 但是,Nexus 5尚不十分清楚-我们可以看到它是ARM,但并未明确将其显示为32位处理器。 在这种情况下,我们可以安全地假定它是32位芯片,因为它没有指定64位体系结构。

选择要下载的文件 (Choosing Which File to Download)

With that in mind, let’s go back to our YouTube example above. We’re going to look at the and find exactly which download applies to my Pixel 2 XL. With the device info in hand, we know it’s running a 64-bit ARM processor, has a DPI of 560, and is running Android 8.1.

考虑到这一点,让我们回到上面的YouTube示例。 我们将查看的并确切找到适用于我的Pixel 2 XL的下载内容。 有了设备信息,我们知道它正在运行64位ARM处理器,DPI为560,并且正在运行Android 8.1。

It’s easy to match the processor type and Android version—arm64 and Android 5.0+. But there’s no specific option for 560dpi.

可以轻松匹配处理器类型和Android版本(arm64和Android 5.0+)。 但是对于560dpi没有特定的选择。

So, we have two main options to choose from: the highest available DPI—in this case, 480, or “nodpi.”

因此,我们有两个主要选项可供选择:最高可用DPI-在这种情况下为480或“ nodpi”。

In this case, I recommend going with the “nodpi” variant, because it contains all the resources available to cover the gamut of DPIs out there. So why not choose this one regardless? Because of the file size—since it contains resources to work on essentially any DPI, it’s a much larger file. If you can find the one that matches your device’s DPI perfectly, always go with that. Otherwise, you can also choose one that’s slightly higher and be OK.

在这种情况下,我建议使用“ nodpi”变体,因为它包含所有可用于覆盖DPI范围的资源。 那么为什么不选择这个呢? 由于文件的大小,因为它包含的资源实际上可以在任何DPI上使用,所以它的文件要大得多。 如果您找到了一个与您设备的DPI完全匹配的设备,请始终这样做。 否则,您也可以选择稍高一点的按钮,然后确定。

In our test case, however, I’m not convinced that the 480 DPI version will look as good as the nodpi download since the phone is 560 DPI. In that case, the larger file size is worth the tradeoff.

但是,在我们的测试案例中,我不相信480 DPI版本会看起来像nodpi下载一样好,因为手机是560 DPI。 在这种情况下,较大的文件大小值得权衡。

Learning your device’s ins and outs is pretty simple. And fortunately once you figure this info out once you shouldn’t have to worry about it again until you get a new phone.

了解设备的来龙去脉非常简单。 幸运的是,一旦您弄清楚了这些信息,就不必再担心它,直到您得到一部新手机。


android 获取apk


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